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Cama bipedestadora
Camilla de masaje motorizada BAYONA
Esta camilla pensada para el confort de tu cuerpo presenta como principal novedad el mecanismo motorizado y el cambioque este posibilita de distintas posiciones, brindando mayor comodidad para trabajar en el área de la cosmetología y demás áreas en donde resulte útil ser utilizada.
“San Andrés” Intermediate Care Unit Bed
This bed is unique since its main feature lies in the fact that this product displays not only the common movements of a hospitalization bed (i.e. headrest and footrest with knee bending) but also height adjustable handle-operated possibility. This bed may be elevated about 25 cm with minimum effort thus enabling health staff work and patient’s getting on and off.

Technical Features:
Intermediate Therapy Unit Bed
Plastic-coated Headboard and Footrest
Bed: Made of SAE 1010 Steel Sheets.
Movements: Handle-operated Headboard and Footrest with Knee Bending
Handle-operated Variable Height Bed
Supplied with: railing brackets, serumholder brackets.
Rolling Train composed of 4 125-mm 360° revolving wheels (all 4 have brake)
Finish: Epoxy Paint

Ordinary Chromum-plated Railings
Pliable Chromum-plated Railings
Detachable Headboard
Oxygen Tubeholder Basket
Stainless Steel Litter
80 ~ 90 cm Width
Vast Range of Footrests and Headrests
Chromum-plated Serumholders
Calle 63 Nº 4144 Villa Ballester - (B1653BJP)
Provincia de Buenos Aires - Argentina
Tel/Fax: (011) 4767-6642 (011) 4768-8955
Horario: Lunes-Viernes 8-12 / 14-17 hs.
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